Be captivated by the natural beauty of the vast polder area in the Groene Hart, which provides a genuine outdoor ambiance within the meeting room.
If you are searching for a special meeting location just outside the Randstad, Het Groene Hart is the place for you. Het Groene Hart offers perfect meeting and event locations with a central location for attendees from Utrecht and the Randstad. The hospitable, inspiring and – most of all – unique locations ensure that a suitable venue is available for any meeting, conference or workshop. Het Groene Hart is particularly easy to reach by public transport or by car, with free parking in most places.
Also interesting
Utrecht is centrally located and is easily accessible from home and abroad.
About the region
In the Utrecht region you will find numerous options for conferences and business meetings.
Utrecht, Heart of Health
Utrecht is the knowledge city in the field of healthy people, healthy environment and a healthy society.
Do you have any questions?
We are happy to discuss with you the options that Het Groene Hart has to offer.